SlidesJS is obsolete and no longer maintained.
Photo by: Missy S Link: Photo by: Daniel Parks Link: Photo by: Mike Ranweiler Link: Photo by: Stuart SeegerLink:

SlidesJS is obsolete and no longer maintained

This site is kept around for archival purposes. ✌️


SlidesJS is a responsive slideshow plug-in for jQuery (1.7.1+) with features like touch and CSS3 transitions. Give it a try above and check out the examples to help you get started adding SlidesJS to your project.

  • Responsive

    Create dynamic slideshows that adapt to any screen.

  • CSS3 transitions

    Animations that run smoothly on modern devices.

  • Touch

    Swipe support that tracks touch movements on supported devices.

  • Easy setup

    Get going fast with the easy-to-use examples.

Want to contribute to SlidesJS? Check it out at GitHub.


<!doctype html>
    /* Prevents slides from flashing */
    #slides {

  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="jquery.slides.min.js"></script>

        width: 940,
        height: 528
  <div id="slides">
    <img src="">
    <img src="">
    <img src="">
    <img src="">
    <img src="">

width (number) & height (number)

Set width and height of the slideshow. Show example

    width: 700,
    height: 393
This must be defined.

start (number)

Set the first slide in the slideshow. Show example

    start: 3
Default value is 1.

play (object)

Play and stop button setting. Show example

    play: {
      active: true,
        // [boolean] Generate the play and stop buttons.
        // You cannot use your own buttons. Sorry.
      effect: "slide",
        // [string] Can be either "slide" or "fade".
      interval: 5000,
        // [number] Time spent on each slide in milliseconds.
      auto: false,
        // [boolean] Start playing the slideshow on load.
      swap: true,
        // [boolean] show/hide stop and play buttons
      pauseOnHover: false,
        // [boolean] pause a playing slideshow on hover
      restartDelay: 2500
        // [number] restart delay on inactive slideshow

effect (object)

Effects setting. Show example

    effect: {
      slide: {
        // Slide effect settings.
        speed: 200
          // [number] Speed in milliseconds of the slide animation.
      fade: {
        speed: 300,
          // [number] Speed in milliseconds of the fade animation.
        crossfade: true
          // [boolean] Cross-fade the transition.

callback (function)

SlidesJS callbacks. Show example

    callback: {
      loaded: function(number) {
        // Do something awesome!
        // Passes start slide number
      start: function(number) {
        // Do something awesome!
        // Passes slide number at start of animation
      complete: function(number) {
        // Do something awesome!
        // Passes slide number at end of animation